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Clifford's Blues  / 

John A. Williams.Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 1999 - 304 p.
uitgave: Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 1999 - 304 p.
samenvatting: If there is an undiscovered aspect of the black experience, it will be found by John A. Williams, one of the founding members of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. In his newest of twelve novels, Williams presents the fictionalized narrative of a black jazz musician imprisoned in Dachau who keeps himself alive by working as the band leader of a group of prisoners who play jazz at a nearby officers’ club. Clifford’s Blues penetrates a hidden portion of African American history, and the hidden reserves of the heart. Told in journal form, this novel is the story of Clifford Pepperidge, a gay musician performing in Europe during the thirties. After he is caught in a compromising situation with a American diplomat, Clifford spends the duration of Hitler’s reign in Dachau. He escapes the worst horrors of the camp by working as the house servant to an SS officer. This novel explores the resilience of the human will, as well as the instincts and tools we draw on to survive persecution. On witnessing one day the execution of a friend, Clifford later writes: “I thought of Revelations: ‘I was dead and now I am to live forever and ever, and I hold the keys of death and of the underworld.’ Now write down all that you see of present happenings and ‘things that are still to come.’”

signatuur: cat. (willia-j/blue) fb

dgb wo2

Clifford's Blues
cat. (willia-j/blue) fb dgb wo2
John A. Williams.

Butch Bottom-Femme Top? An Exploration of Lesbian Stereotypes  / Ja'nina J. Walker ... [et al.].

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 90-107
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 16 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 90-107
samenvatting: Lesbian gender labels (i.e., butch, soft butch, butch/femme, femme, and high femme) have set the stage for assumptions about lesbian attractions to sexual behaviors. This study explored the intersection of lesbian gender labels and attraction to sexual behaviors in 214 lesbian-identified women. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 69 with 48% being women of color. Contrary to stereotypes about sexual behavior in the lesbian community, very few differences emerged in regard to lesbian gender label. Overall, results do not support stereotypes about lesbian gender labels and suggest that behaviors in the lesbian community are fluid across labels. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Butch Bottom-Femme Top? An Exploration of Lesbian Stereotypes
Ja'nina J. Walker ... [et al.].
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Dangerous Waters and Brave Space : A Critical Feminist Inquiry of Campus LGBTQ Centers  / Jen M. Self, Kimberly D. Hudson.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 27 (2015) 2 (apr-jun), p. 216-245
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 27 (2015) 2 (apr-jun), p. 216-245
samenvatting: Grounded in critical feminisms, this study examines lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) centers at public universities in the context of the regulating discourse of homonormative whiteness. Homonormative whiteness refers to dominant norms that constitute the queer body as White and male, positioning static ideas of whiteness and masculinity as normative. Interviews, including the use of mental maps, were conducted with 12 primary leaders at six campus LGBTQ centers. Findings signal three primary functions of LGBTQ centers: safety, legitimacy, and advocacy. Each function is situated in relation to the degree to which these centers spatially or discursively reproduce, resist, and/or transform homonormative whiteness. Taken together, these findings suggest a dynamic and context-specific understanding of the ways and reasons LGBTQ center leaders will act or otherwise shape the space and discourse of the center in ways that collude with or transform systems of power and dominance. Implications for research and practice, as well as specific recommendations for critically conscious organizational practice, are offered. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wgls20/current#.Ucv94KzIVSM ]

signatuur: ts.

Dangerous Waters and Brave Space : A Critical Feminist Inquiry of Campus LGBTQ Centers
Jen M. Self, Kimberly D. Hudson.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

(Un)liveabilities : Homonationalism and transnational adoption  / Michael Nebeling Petersen and Lene Myong.

Sexualities, 18 (2015) 3 (mar), p. 329-345
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 18 (2015) 3 (mar), p. 329-345
samenvatting: Rosa Morena tells a story about kinship in which a white homosexual Danish man adopts a child born to a black poor Brazilian woman. Using a theoretical framework of biopolitics and affective labour the article highlights how the male homosexual figure is being cast as heteronormative and white in order to become intelligible as a parent and the bearer of liveable kinship. The casting rests on the affective and reproductive labour of the birth mother who is portrayed as an unsuitable parent through a colonial discourse steeped in sexualized and racialized imagery. A specific distribution of affect fixates and relegates the birth mother to a state of living dead, and thus she becomes the bearer of an unliveable kinship.

signatuur: ts.

(Un)liveabilities : Homonationalism and transnational adoption
Michael Nebeling Petersen and Lene Myong.

Intersections of Queer in Post-apartheid Cape Town  / Bryce Lease.

Theatre Research International, 40 (2015) 1 (mar), p. 70-74
bron: Theatre Research International jaargang: 40 (2015) 1 (mar), p. 70-74
samenvatting: In 2013, Siona O'Connell, Nadia Davids and I were awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) grant to support our Sequins, Self & Struggle: Performing and Archiving Sex, Place and Class in Pageant Competitions in Cape Town project, the aims of which are to research, document and disseminate archives of the Spring Queen and Miss Gay Western Cape (MGWC) pageants performed by disparate coloured communities in the Western Cape. Important to these performance events is the figure of the 'moffie', a queer male, often a transsexual, who has traditionally choreographed and designed the Spring Queen pageant, but who is forbidden from competing in it. Alternatively, MGWC is a platform for queers of colour to perform in a secure environment without exploitation. My individual work in this collaboration focuses on the MGWC pageant and the attendant methodological questions that have arisen in our attempt to forge bridges between Western queer theory and local articulations of gender identity and alternative sexualities, considering the current preoccupations in scholarship around (South) Africa that cut across geography, politics, economics and history. I will briefly outline the research questions that have arisen from my particular focus on the project aims: the relationship between post-apartheid South African national identity and gay rights, new postcolonial directions in queer theory and the sexual geographies of Cape Town that are bounded by race and economic privilege.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lease/int)

Intersections of Queer in Post-apartheid Cape Town
dgb artikelen (lease/int)
Bryce Lease.
Theatre Research International

Emancipatie op het Kruispunt van Seksuele en Etnisch-Culturele Diversiteit : In gesprek met Merhaba en Respect2Love  / Nella van den Brandt, Rahil Roodsaz & Klaartje van Kerckem.

Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 18 (2015) 2 (jan), p. 197-216
bron: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies jaargang: 18 (2015) 2 (jan), p. 197-216
samenvatting: In dit artikel worden twee organisaties bevraagd die zich richten op emancipatie op het snijvlak van etniciteit en seksualiteit. Er is bewust gekozen om een Belgische en een Nederlandse organisatie te benaderen: Merhaba en Respect2Love (R2L). Voor het interview met Merhaba sprak Nella van den Brandt met bewegingsmedewerker Klaartje van Kerckem. Het interview met R2L werd gedaan door Rahil Roodsaz. Merhaba is gevestigd in Brussel, en richt zich op de emancipatie en ondersteuning van LGBTQI's (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & intersex) met een migratie-achtergrond. R2L huist in Amsterdam, en werkt aan de emancipatie en ondersteuning van LHBT (lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender) biculturele jongeren. Een verschil tussen de twee organisaties is dat Merhaba vooral werkt met Belgische LGBTQI's met wortels in de Maghreb, het Midden Oosten en Turkije. De doelgroep is grotendeels Franstalig. Merhaba richt zich niet alleen op jongeren, maar heeft in de praktijk wel veel met jongeren te maken. R2L richt zich daarentegen specifiek op jongeren. De Nederlandse LGBT jongeren waar R2L mee werkt, hebben Surinaamse, Antilliaanse, Turkse en Marokkaanse roots.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (brand/ema)

Emancipatie op het Kruispunt van Seksuele en Etnisch-Culturele Diversiteit : In gesprek met Merhaba en Respect2Love
dgb artikelen (brand/ema)
Nella van den Brandt, Rahil Roodsaz & Klaartje van Kerckem.
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

Verboden liefde is pluriform : Weinig aandacht voor relaties tussen moslims en niet-moslims  / Samuel Mounir.

Parool 12-05-2018
bron: Parool 12-05-2018
samenvatting: Er is veel aandacht voor biculturele LHBT'ers, maar de verboden liefde tussen islamitische en niet-islamitische Amsterdammers valt buiten de boot. Aldus Mounier Samuel, schrijver van het boek 'God is groot'.

signatuur: full text

knipsel (allochtonen)

Verboden liefde is pluriform : Weinig aandacht voor relaties tussen moslims en niet-moslims
full text knipsel (allochtonen)
Samuel Mounir.

'Waarom vieren we geen etnische diversiteit?'  / Hanneke Felten, Paul van Yperen.

Parool 17-08-2018
bron: Parool 17-08-2018
samenvatting: We moeten de Canal Parade koesteren, maar ook religieuze, etnische of culturele diversiteit zouden we mogen vieren, vinden Hanneke Felten en Paul van Yperen.

signatuur: full_text

'Waarom vieren we geen etnische diversiteit?'
Hanneke Felten, Paul van Yperen.

'Ik style vaker genderfluïde' : JeanPaul Paula : Strijden voor gelijkheid in de mode en daarbuiten  / Fiona Hering.

Parool 11-08-2018
bron: Parool 11-08-2018
samenvatting: Creative director en stylist JeanPaul Paula zet zich in voor de rechten van lhbt'ers en 'people of color'. Hij vertelt over het mannelijke- en het vrouwelijke clichébeeld, zijn werk, zijn ervaring met LHBT manifestaties waar hij een deel van uitmaakte en over diversiteit bij modebladen waar hij niet te juichen staat.

signatuur: knipsel (mode)

'Ik style vaker genderfluïde' : JeanPaul Paula : Strijden voor gelijkheid in de mode en daarbuiten
knipsel (mode)
Fiona Hering.

Trans-Arab-Jew: A Look beyond the Boundaries of In-Between Identities  / Ido Katri.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 6 (2019) 3 (aug), p. 338-357
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 6 (2019) 3 (aug), p. 338-357
samenvatting: In this article, Mizrahi (Jews of Arab descent) and trans legal claims will serve to expose the law as a tactic of stability. These experiences, positioned at the in-between of stable legal categories, embody the 'other?' of law, the affective ideologies that the law refuses. If transgender as an identity category emerged from the violent process of separating homosexuality and transsexuality to constitute gayness as normative, Mizrahi emerged from pitting the Jew and the Arab against each other to constitute the 'new Jew,' a coherent member of a normative (whitened) nation. Yet the Arab and the Jew, the trans and the homo, are not separate spheres of being but constitute one another, exposing the excesses of gender/sex and race/ethnicity. The Mizrahi and the trans experience cannot escape the desire for normalization or the trauma of otherness, whose materialization into rights and property they critique. Still, the realities of in-betweenness hold the possibility of exceeding coherence, in a state of constant transition between mutually exclusive categories of being. Both positions serve as an affective intervention if they are considered as transitional spaces where one can dare to question the stability of reality and accept its shifting compromise formulation.

signatuur: ts.

Trans-Arab-Jew: A Look beyond the Boundaries of In-Between Identities
Ido Katri.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly


( DE:"etnische diversiteit" )

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